
Here comes Vandal Claus....


Approximately twice a year our little group of friends buzzes with excitement, as we prepare either to host the "Italians" or we prepare to descend upon Venice, for what we refer to as "Vandals Week."  (technically, there is a third "vandals week" - but it is a mancation, so us womenfolk stay home ;))  Anyhoo, it is a week of fantastic eating and, of course, drinking wine.  The Italian Vandals arrived this afternoon, so this evening's celebration will make for a long day tomorrow, I am sure.  Usually, the Italians arrive with amazing cheeses and fun things like red onion jam from Tuscany.  I cannot wait to indulge and share the pics with you!! 


We have certainly had better ideas....

than our decision to break a bottle of champagne against our new house. We are sailors, but after the home purchase we can no longer afford to buy a boat, thus we needed to christen the house. We invited the new neighbors over for an impromptu commissioning and cocktail. No damage to the house, but The Boyfriend almost lost an eye. It was so much fun though (do not try this at home)!! Mommy was in a panic, when I informed her of our plan via telephone, as we were standing in the liquor store attempting to decide which bottle to drink (White Star) and which bottle to break against the house (Andre - we bought two in case of a failed first attempt). Mommy's only words of advice - wear your sunglasses. Good thing The Boyfriend listened, otherwise I would be marrying a pirate...