
slipping into delirium


As I sit here in my dreary office, I am suddenly inspired to make these slippers - according to Bluelines, I can do it. Now, keep in mind, I have never sewn in my life, but I am suddenly overcome with the notion that I must make a pair for everyone I know (everyone I know that is worthy of my slipper handiwork, that is). Imagine the colors... imagine the embroidery... Imagine me quitting once I bought all of the necessary equipment and made one ugly pair that people make fun of...

Photo: Bluelines


goodnevili said...

Been there done that, don't you just love the handmade teddy bear I made and sent last year for christmas. (I also have the best intentions...)
The fabric will sit in a box with the myriad of drapery fabric I have accumulated. I haven't finished those either.

jac said...

ah yes. that teddy bear that is sitting on my bed under the knitted blanket I was going to make. :) I saw a great design in Sept's Domino mag, where the designer had left out all of her fabrics neatly folded on a low shelf - brought great color to the room - you will have to check it out!